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Happy Birthday Swaggs



Ok, so I must admit, I was out last night. Not by choice I might add. It was a friend of mine's birthday. I will mention no names and implicate no man in the deeds of the unknown. None of us were anywhere and no one did anything. We didnt see much the whole evening or do anyon...thing the whole night. It was, all in all, a boring evening of clothed happening and non-alcoholic drinks. I swear it was. I promise.


But I must mention, in a very vague kind of way, that i was a little bit judgemental last night. One of the other party people and I were talking in amongst the boredom, about how we looked down upon the other party goers for their occupations and couldnt actually look at them in any other light. It didnt stop us from 'socialising' with them, but it was definately not the type of crowd I am fond of. I probably wont see those people again for another year if I have anything to do with it, if you know what I mean. If not, your not a guy.


posted by Nic, 10:28 AM


snob!!! ;-)
HAHAHAHA, Snob!!! hahaha, ok maybe thats true...but, ok there are no butts....
that was sooo cryptic! I dont get! blonde moment
hahaha, I do try!! that was the whole point... i think, kinda forgot the point!!