Screw it, Just do it - More from the book
Quotes from Richard Branson.
- "If you challenge yourself, you will grow."
- "When I told my Mum, she said, "I knew you could win Ricky."
- I personally took to this quote. I think that the one person in my life who has, without a doubt and unwaveringly supported me through everything I've ever done is my Mom. She still does and I thank her for that.
- "Mum knew that losing wasn't fair, but it is life. It's not a good idea to teach children that they can win all the time. In the real world, people struggle."
- "I believe in myself. I believe in the hands that work, in the brains that think, and in the hearts that love."
- What a wonderful quote, what a great outlook on things.
- "Hard-won things are more valuable than those that come too easily."
- "It's good to pause and do nothing."
- I think that we could all use that advice...stop, bite in to that peach and see what it tastes like.
- "Money is just a means to an end, not an end in itself."
Labels: Books

Jennifer... lest us not venture down the path that we wish not to travel my girl!!!!!
Procrastination is not the thief of time, it is the entity that makes us get our work done at the last minute!!!!
And hey, if you are posting that means that you are procrastinating too my dearest!!! :)
Procrastination is not the thief of time, it is the entity that makes us get our work done at the last minute!!!!
And hey, if you are posting that means that you are procrastinating too my dearest!!! :)
ja i was hoping that you wouldnt spot that one, ur sharper than i thought:)
ok i swear im going to go and work now...stop distracting me dammit!
ok i swear im going to go and work now...stop distracting me dammit!
are you procrastinating??????
you know what they say...procrastination is like masturbation, in the end ur only fucking yourself!