Feeling a bit down, feeling a bit lonely
I've just read a post on Sheetal's blog. It's a bit of a rant I guess but something she said resonates with me and I agree with it 100%. I often feel this way and wish that people knew, but often I am too nice to tell them to fuck off, which I think everyone needs to do sometimes.
Here is what Sheets said:
Here is what Sheets said:
Just once, I'd like someone to ask me how my day was ...and be genuinely interested in knowing about it...I would like to say thanks to Sheets for saying what I am sure that so many people feel on a regular basis.
Just once, I'd like someone to remember an important test that I have to write - and wish me luck for it...
Just once, I wish someone would give ME a hug, just for the hell of it.
Just once, I wish conversations wouldn't only be all about the other person...
Labels: Personal

If you're always the sponge to your friends, here's some advice: Go on a FRIEND DETOX. It really helps..just go 'underground' for a while, and you'll bounce back feeling refreshed!
Sounds a bit harsh, but we all need to do it now and again...