Flock Extensions - Magic
I have just downloaded a couple of Flock extensions that have made me very happy. One is the international weather forecaster, the best one I've used yet. The other is a built in media player controller so I never have to leave the browser, even to change music. Then I have the "Performancing" tool, which is a pop-up tool at the footer of the browser that you click and it opens up your regular looking blogger interface for posting. It looks, feels and works just like blogger and hopefully will continue to do so.
Loving Flock inspite of trying Firefox 2.0. For some reason FF2 or any FF for that matter stalls a heck of a lot on my laptop. Not blaming FF at all, its probably something stupid I did, but the other browsers (Opera, IE7 and Flock) that I have tried work fine.
Loving Flock inspite of trying Firefox 2.0. For some reason FF2 or any FF for that matter stalls a heck of a lot on my laptop. Not blaming FF at all, its probably something stupid I did, but the other browsers (Opera, IE7 and Flock) that I have tried work fine.
powered by performancing firefox
Labels: TechAttack, Technology
u are geekier as the days go on :)

So this girl I am crushing on says checkout this blog. So i do. what do you knw, this is cool. you are right abt FF though stalls on my laptop too. but Flock kicks ass!
This girl tat your crushing on... sounds interesting... do tell.
Ja, im enjoying flock for the moment, its been a long moment. gonna stick with it for a while and see how things work out for me.
Ja, im enjoying flock for the moment, its been a long moment. gonna stick with it for a while and see how things work out for me.
Ya. she is awesome. she si quite artistic.. she is into poetry and that kinda stuff. u knw her i should think ( editor of the paper)
I love flock - yes i said it. I am a geek i love flock.
, I love flock - yes i said it. I am a geek i love flock.
HAHAHA, yes i do know her... lovely lady! the crush, isnt it a wonder. Love, what a batard, when u cant have it, it is wondrous, amazing, incredible, obtainable and all those things. When you have it, it is all those things... and a whole lot of work. Love my friends, is hard work.
hahahaha! ya she plays hard to get though. but it's fun.
Well keep us updated on here about how you and her work out! thanks for posting, come on back sometime in the near future!
hahahahaha... well I got her to have lunch with me...
perhaps perchance...one day we'll dance! Boys Boys Boys, you realise half the internet users in the world have just undercovered the sordid underbelly of the male ... desire! This could possibly include the "lady" in question.