I need to confess something. I have been a bad blogger. I have tarnished my consistent loyalties to the blogosphere. I have spent almost and entire day neglecting my blog. I have spent almost an entire day on Myspace.
I know, i know it's terrible, but it has happened. The network is just so immense. It's a bit crazy actually. I'm not really sure if anyone really knows what they are doing on there. The design is shit, the layout is shit, the user interface is... you guessed it, shit. Nothing is really made simple in terms of customization for a user who has no coding experience whatsoever. But I digress.
I spent a say on myspace trying to make it "my" space. I tried hard. I did what I could but just couldnt get the freedom. I asked lotsa people to be my friend (I feel like im back in grade 1) and recieved a few invitations back, nice one. But all in all I think that Myspace has no personable aspects to it. It's all generic and intrusive that allows anyone to do anything and some do nothing. Not my cup o' tea really.
I know, i know it's terrible, but it has happened. The network is just so immense. It's a bit crazy actually. I'm not really sure if anyone really knows what they are doing on there. The design is shit, the layout is shit, the user interface is... you guessed it, shit. Nothing is really made simple in terms of customization for a user who has no coding experience whatsoever. But I digress.
I spent a say on myspace trying to make it "my" space. I tried hard. I did what I could but just couldnt get the freedom. I asked lotsa people to be my friend (I feel like im back in grade 1) and recieved a few invitations back, nice one. But all in all I think that Myspace has no personable aspects to it. It's all generic and intrusive that allows anyone to do anything and some do nothing. Not my cup o' tea really.
I have been on msypace since the begginning of the year becasue after contiki, it was the best way to keep in touch with all my friends from overseas. I agree that the design etc is shitty and i have tried and failed to make it my own, althugh my brother has done a pretty good job, still I dont enjoy the 'loudness' of it, if u know what i mean? It is messy but it has been a great way to keep in touch...blogs are sooooo much better though! anyway, those are my thoughts on the issue :-)

Hahaha, very sneaky ange pants!! Ja, i agree that it is a great way to keep a network going, hence me joining. Ive just gone and found you so hopefully we'll become "space mates"!!!
best post I have read about MySpace in a long time!!!
Thanks!! I do try. And you all know that I have been trying alot of things lately, some good some bad, some myspace.