Facebook introduces advertising
Initially I suspected that they were selling information about their users. I didn't think this was possible but I recieved a message telling me how to deactivate the "share your details" option. This option is automatically set to share by Facebook when you join. Not so cool.
(For those of you who would like to deactivate this setting log in to your Facebook account, click on "My Privacy" on the left, then go to "Friends, notes..." section and go down to the bottom. Click the tick box marked with a tick at the very bottom to untick the box. This box says: "My information may be used according to the restricted Terms of Service." This allows them to sell yours and your friends information.)
(For those of you who would like to deactivate this setting log in to your Facebook account, click on "My Privacy" on the left, then go to "Friends, notes..." section and go down to the bottom. Click the tick box marked with a tick at the very bottom to untick the box. This box says: "My information may be used according to the restricted Terms of Service." This allows them to sell yours and your friends information.)
So for a while I thought I was being invaded privately (sounds kinda kinky when it's phrased like that). Now it seems that Facebook has gone all conventional and put up adverts. Very random Ads I might add (hehe). Have a look for yourself:

Labels: Advertising, Facebook