Getting Wired

So this is my website. It started last year as an idea from a student media conference, Captivate. has come a long way since then and is progressing quite well. We have now signed up over 11 Campus newspapers to our contributors list.
One of our latest projects is the Studentwire and Gig Guide. have done brilliantly to provide us with a weekly Gig guide that spans the entire country and is updated every week, once a week. Thanks to the guys at for their help.
Check out the Gig Guide by clicking on the image below.

Other great things happening at Studentwire include a permanent link with Visit Studentwire and check out the latest pics from your campus events via
We have also just recently partnered with SASCO Rhodes in hosting their newsletters when they are released. Visit the SASCO page at Studentwire and check out what SASCO is up to.
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